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No matter if you are a health club owner, personal trainer or medical practitioner, DietMaster Pro will help you transition easily into the nutrition consulting business.
DietMaster Pro can produce Registered Dietitian and Physician designed meal plans and grocery lists within minutes.
You can also create meal plans from scratch, and track weight control goals while producing individualized nutritional assessments.
You're in Good Company
With over 1.2 million users around the world, DietMaster continues to lead the industry in Nutrition and Meal Planning software.
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[skill percent="100" title="Million active users"]
[skill percent="1995" title="Business since 1995"]
[skill percent="91" title="Customer Satisfaction"]
[skill percent="86" title="Customer Retention"]

Ready to Get Started?
We offer 2 versions of the Dietmaster program, choose yours today