Bariatric Post Op – Phase 4
Bariatric Post Op – Phase 4
By Stage 4 more regular foods are added to your daily intake. The Stage 4 Template will help you to learn
how to incorporate everyday foods into your daily intake. The Template will continue to ensure adequate
protein intake by including high protein liquid supplements and a balance of a larger variety of foods while
still focusing on controlling the size of meal portions. The focus of this Template is on regular foods that
round out a healthy diet and will help you to maintain your new weight. As you progress, your Surgeon
will inform you when you can increase serving sizes within meals.
Disclaimer: These are only general guidelines. You must follow ALL specific guidelines given to you by
your Surgeon, which may differ slightly from these Templates. These Templates should ALWAYS be
used in conjunction WITH proper nutritional counseling from a qualified professional such as a
registered dietitian. Nutritional guidelines and proper education is vital to the success and healing of
your Lap Band Surgery.