Athletic Training Category
The Athletic Training is a collection of all calorie ranges including 1900,2100,2300,2500,2700 and 3000 templates each providing 7 days of meal plans consisting of 5-6 meals each day.
The Athletic Training category is a collection of all calorie ranges including 1900,2100,2300,2500,2700 and 3000 templates each providing 7 days of meal plans consisting of 5-6 meals each day. The Performance Training menus provide high quality whole grain and vegetable foods for optimum performance needs. The average macronutrient ratio for the 7 day period is 60% cabohydrates, 20% protein and 20% fat. The templates also offer an average of 40 gm. of fiber each day. High fiber levels will minimize body fat and stabilize glucose thus stabilize blood sugar level within the body to maximize sustained energy levels. To purchase individual templates instead of the collection, please see below.